Reclaim & Redefine

your role as a teacher in shaping
a better tomorrow.

Reclaim &

Your role as a teacher in shaping
a better tomorrow.

Our Belief

Schools are not monolithic structures. They are dynamic & vibrant spaces where students flourish when their teachers grow. Our presence fosters an environment conducive to mutual growth & rewards.

Our Mission

Empowering educators to transcend traditional methodologies & embrace their roles in today’s dynamic world.


Sheetal Bapat, co-founder of Seekhlo Academy and the non-profit Shyamchi Aai Foundation (SAF India) since 2010, has been deeply involved in teacher training, education, career guidance, and life skills development. She has played an influential role in national consultations for the National Education Policy (NEP). Recognized with the Persistent Foundation award for her significant educational contributions, she has also showcased best practices at the MHRD’s Chintan Shivir and Shiksha Parva events.

Sheetal Bapat

Dr. Shirisha Sathe, co-founder of Seekhlo Academy, boasts a distinguished career in the medical field with a BAMS degree and 10 years of practice. Adding to her expertise, she holds an MA in Psychology and has dedicated over 20 years to counseling. Her combined experience in medicine and psychology makes her a unique asset to the academy and those she counsels.

Dr. Shirisha Sathe

Teachers certified by Seekhlo will exude
greater confidence.

Teachers certified by Seekhlo will exude greater confidence.

We are a part of Jet Social Impact (JSI) , where we aim to drive social impact at scale using innovation and technology. JSI is a social enterprise powered by JetSynthesys, a new-age digital entertainment and technology company with a global foray in three key verticals – gaming and esports, digital entertainment, wellness, and livelihoods.